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2021 Updates and Reminders

Regulatory Updates and Reminders As we kick off a new year, we want to provide a brief update of a few regulations and requirements and provide due dates for commonly required reports. Tennessee: The General Stormwater permit was renewed verbatim for a two year period...

TN RICE Engines

TDEC Air Permitting Procedural Update – RICE Hunter Hill, P.E. When the Federal Standards for reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) became active, TDEC began receiving thousands of permit applications from all over the state for small, otherwise...

TDEC 2020 NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit

TDEC 2020 NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit June 10, 2020 - TDEC plans to renew the expired 2015 NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit for two years. This will allow continued coverage until 2022 for those facilities that were covered under the expired...

TN Industrial Stormwater General Permit Expiration

Industrial Stormwater General Permits - Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Tennessee Multi-sector General Permits (TMSP) expired on April 14, 2020. All permitted facilities will continue to meet compliance under the existing permit until the...