How a Compliance Database can save you time and headaches

How a Compliance Database can save you time and headaches Maintaining compliance records can be a data heavy exercise. In many cases, requirements for logging and maintaining emissions data for Air Permit records can be time-consuming and confusing. This process can...

TDEC Solid & Hazardous Waste Rules Updates

TDEC Solid & Hazardous Waste Rules Updates TDEC has finalized updates to the solid waste regulations to incorporate the EPA’s Generator Improvements Rule (GIR). Some of the changes effect labeling, contingency plans, and episodic generation. These rules become...

Use of Ozone NAAQS to Control CO2 Emissions

Use of Ozone NAAQS to Control CO2 Emissions In the March 18, 2021 Opinion Section of the Wall Street Journal, there is an article entitled “Biden’s ‘BackDoor ‘ Climate Plan”. This article describes how the Biden Administration may attempt to control CO2 emissions....

Hazardous Waste Generator Categories

HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR CATEGORIES Any person who produces a hazardous waste as listed or characterized in 40 CFR part 261 is considered a hazardous waste generator. There are three categories of hazardous waste generators – Very Small Quantity Generator, Small...

2021 Updates and Reminders

Regulatory Updates and Reminders As we kick off a new year, we want to provide a brief update of a few regulations and requirements and provide due dates for commonly required reports. Tennessee: The General Stormwater permit was renewed verbatim for a two year period...