Hazardous Waste Drums

Regulatory Update:

Hazardous Waste Generators

HW Generators (LQG and SQG):

Beginning Jan. 22, 2025 all Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Small Quantity Generators (SQG) are required to register and maintain an account with Site Manager or e-Manifest Certifier permissions to access final signed manifests from receiving facilities, submit post-receipt data corrections requested by regulators, and (beginning December 1, 2025) submit exception reports electronically via e-Manifest.

This regulatory update is in response to new regulatory changes made by:

Additional information regarding the e-Manifest system, FAQ, and user registration, can be found below:

If you have questions regarding the regulatory update or need support:

Or email Carter Venable at:  Carter@StevensEHS.com.

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